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Thomas Baïo

Thomas Baïo

Data Analytics & Enablement Specialist

Driving License
Toronto Canada (Ontario)
Employed Unavailable
Passionate Business Analyst with over 5 years of experience in data analysis and problem-solving, aiming to improve business processes.

I have a strong expertise in project management, data analysis, solution design and stakeholder communication. I also have a solid experience in extracting and transforming data from various sources, as well as in visualizing and creating dashboards to communicate analysis results.

I am skilled in modeling business processes, understanding customer and user needs, recommending effective solutions, and ensuring efficient implementation. Result-oriented and passionate about innovation and creativity, I have worked in banking, insurance and finance sectors, which has given me a strong command of Canadian investment products.

I have a great ability to engage and work in a team, communicate effectively and manage multiple projects simultaneously, as well as being proactive.

What do I need to get started? A blank canvas and a vision.

Master's Degree in Portfolio Management


September 2014 to September 2015
Master thesis : The momentum effect on French and European Markets
Details and Extracurriculars
  • English-language courses: Behavioral Finance, Asset Pricing & Advanced Investments, Applied Econometrics for Finance, Mathématiques, Financial Applications with VBA and R, Stock Selection, Risk and Performance Measures for Portfolio Management, Virtual Portfolio.
  • French-language courses: Gestion Structurée, Produits Dérivés, Gestion Alternative, Gestion Obligataire, Évaluation d'Entreprise, Analyse Financière, Économie et Gestion d'Actifs.
  • Master thesis abstract available in the Portfolios section
  • Associational activities: Promoted the Master's benefits to interested students during our open days.